That reddish-orange glow is where the sun is supposed to be. My office is closed again today. Looking to the west, it looks like the end of the world:
So far we've fared pretty well. The most we suffered is a broken tree from the gale force winds we've been having:
Right now, the winds are eerily calm, and there is a kind of unpleasant heat coming from everywhere at once. The smell of smoke is slight right now, but it will likely get worse as it descends on Temecula. I'm surprised they're letting the kids go to school here. At least the lack of wind will help the firefighters do their job.
Out out! Damn smoke!
There's nothing like looking hell right in the face, is there?
Cough! Cough! I hope things get under control soon.
The sky is a sickly brown this morning. My office is open, so now I gotta decide whether or not to drive in. I don't know what's happening with the Poomacha fire yet (that's the one closest to us).
Don - I hope your mantra helps. :-)
Moody - It is pretty scary. Still, the fire never really came close, so I guess we only are looking at the gate to hell.
Panda - Me (cough cough) too!
Stay safe.
I have been watching some of it on the news. Get your hose ready in case the winds change.
That's the natural reaction, but the authorities are saying that this actually hinders fire fighting efforts because when too many people do it, it reduces the water pressure available for firemen. Also, a garden hose and sprinklers are no defense against the heat and ashes generated by these bigs fires.
In any case, it appears we are still in no immediate threat, though the battle is far from over.
I like this report from the link you provided...
Reports that an HOA in the Triology community passed out flyers for evacuations. Police and Fire have indicated at this time there is not a need and please take direction for evacuations from Police and Fire personnel only.
Power is a funny thing. Here is the next step:
The Homeowner's Association has declared Martial Law! All residents will be in their homes by sundown. Emergency HOA forces will shoot curfew violators on sight. Likewise, those who fail to use the standard blue garbage containers will be tasered until compliance is achieved. That is all.
Yes, that is definitely a problem. We're pretty fortunate in our neighborhood, to have an HOA that's pretty non-involved. We pay our monthly fee, they send us a newsletter, and that's pretty much it.
Once we did get a "warning" letter from them, telling us to stop building a pool in our backyard because we hadn't gotten a permit. Since we weren't building a pool, and the neighbor was, we figured they simply transposed the numbers. As it turned out, the neighbor DID have a permit, so it worked out nicely... except for the occasional late night parties they have now.
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