Thursday, January 08, 2009

Yews the Fours, Lewk!

Wow, if this really works, that could satisfy one of my "Bucket List" items. Seriously, I can't tell you how many times I spent as a kid trying to move objects with my mind. I always felt like it should be possible, and yet was never successful. I also spent a lot of time with those ESP cards trying to read circles and wavy lines from the mind of my next door neighbor.

This toy apparently uses EEG signals from your brain to modify the airflow beneath a ping pong ball in a tube. If you get it just right, the ball moves up. If you get it wrong, a high voltage surge of electricity punishes you, and you go unconscious. At least I think that happens.

Anyway, the boy in the picture seems to think that his brainwaves shoot out his hand, which is pretty funny. That said, I probably would also use hand gestures to give the appearance of "The Force", because that's just too cool! Look out Obi-Wan and Yoda, here I come!


Corn Cob Bob said...

Jeese, I had no idea you were such a freakin' NERD Dewkid. NEEERRRDDS!!

DewKid said...

Shut the hell up corny! I'm tired of you popping in and out of this blog. PUN INTENDED!!!

Don Snabulus said...

I knew you were going to post this.

Stand by for electric shock. Ayyyyyyeeeeeee.

I guess I didn't.

DewKid said...


My word verification is "skang":

Skang: Slang for skank.

The Moody Minstrel said...

I also spent a lot of time with those ESP cards trying to read circles and wavy lines from the mind of my next door neighbor.

But all you could ever see was a quasit...and the occasional Type VI Demon.

word verification: ougantip - One of the alien gods rejected by Lovecraft.

DewKid said...

Exactly the neighbor I was talking about! ;-)