Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Color Scheme

Despite the fact that I didn't think I wanted to start a blog, I spent way too much time playing with the settings. Now I've got a rather decidedly ugly looking blog that needs a lot of work. Sigh.


Don Snabulus said...

I likes the blog. The only change I would make is that you can change the Blogger bar color at the top to another color.


DewKid said...

Thanks. I'm still not fond of the overall look. I was hoping to give it more of a "Mountain Dew" feel, but I haven't yet succeeded.

Thanks for the suggestion! Coming from someone who has such a nice looking blog, I'll take it into serious consideration! :-)

DewKid said...

Decided to go with a straight template. After spending some time looking at all of them, I ended up with one called TicTac. Definitely has the best comments display (wavy line marking beginning of darkly shaded area) of all of them.

Then I realized the layout looked remarkably familiar... Yes, its a slight color variation of the one Snabby is using. That guy definitely has taste!

Not sure if I'm going to stick with this one. At the very least, I'll tweak it a bit to make it a bit more personal. I'm spending more time adjusting the scheme than actually writing anything...

Don Snabulus said...

I resemble that Weblog! I started with TicTac blue and mutated it to more closely match the main Snabulus page. I was looking through the list and I thought the one you picked looked the most "Dewy." Coolio.

Don Snabulus said...

All of your posts...

Don Snabulus said...

...have 6 comments.

The Moody Minstrel said...

DEATH TO SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!