Tuesday, August 24, 2004

What the...?

Not sure I wanted to actually start a blog..... just wanted a username.....


The Dewkid


D.X. said...


DewKid said...

... not to say I wont start a blog ...

Don Snabulus said...

I command you to blog until you've angered your friends and alienated your coworkers. It has done wonders for me!

DewKid said...

Thanks Snabby! I'm still thinking about it, though I haven't yet decided what purpose my blog would serve yet. I'm not sure people would be interested in my random thoughts, and I'm not much of a writer.

Don Snabulus said...

Some people post the occasional snippet. Gaming or software stuff would be cool or family experiences or you can have a life and not do any of it. (Some evenings I get a bit carried away typing when I should be cleaning the garage, watching the Olympics, playing poker with the cat, etc.). The Nighthawk Rock poster has a fun blog that has just stuff in it.

In summary, heck I don't know...but if you write it, I will read it.

Don Snabulus said...

6th comment

The Moody Minstrel said...

No, dangit, SEVEN!!!!!!!