Friday, September 17, 2004

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Arrr! Avast me hearties, and shiver me timbers! Talk like a pirate day is rapidly approaching, and I've still got ships to loot! Still, time for a quick break on the sofa with me girls and me trusty blade.

If music be yer thing, ye might avoid Davy Jones Locker by downloading the "Talk Like a Pirate Day Song"

Yo ho!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Six Comments

It seems I have six comments on all of my posts (except this one for now!). I figured I'd better add a sixth post to make it even out.

Maybe then, my head will explode.


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Love that Rubberband Man

I don't know what it is - the music, the hair, or just his sense of office style. The Rubberband Man is always there to make sure you are properly supplied, and ready for the day. Office Max has a winner with this ad campaign. For some reason, these ads make me feel good, and I'm often up on my feet to join the Rubberband Man on his quest to bring rulers, pencils, and erasers to all the schoolchildren and cubicle workers everywhere.

Hey 'yall, prepare yourself for the Rubberband Man!