Wednesday, May 16, 2007

USB Missile Launcher

Attention office mates! Drop your mice, put down your coffee mugs, and prepare to be boarded! The missiles are deployed, and ready for launch!

This is too cool. I'm seriously considering getting one of these things. It would be so great when people walk by my office, and see the missile launcher turning towards them: FIRE!! Down goes the mug! FIRE!! Down go the photocopies! FIRE!! Ooops... um.... Hi boss!! What's that? You want one too!! :-)


Don Snabulus said...

With only one coworker in my office, we could have some hellacious wars with this thing...

Anonymous said...

I remember that Lionel Trains came out with a railroad car that launched a missile. Imagine this device in the hands of Wally and Dilbert.

Here comes the boss...

The Moody Minstrel said...

Maybe you could also have one of those LEGO rubber band chain guns on hand in case the missiles fail to provide an effective deterrent.