Monday, March 26, 2007

Mr. McGroovy's Box Rivets

Wow, this is pretty cool. You can buy these "Box Rivets", and then build just about anything with cardboard.

As I'm a magician, and there are quite a few cardboard stage tricks out there, I think I'm going to be ordering a few of these.

Now, where the heck am I going to get some refridgerator boxes to build me a pirate ship... Yarrr!!


The Moody Minstrel said...

Oh, man...I wish I had some of those things back in my late elementary school days! When I was in the 3rd grade I had a whole set of cardboard triangles (with windows) with clips to allow you to put them together into various shapes. I also did lots of things with old boxes back then...or tried, anyway. A set of those rivets would have brought me to a higher playing field...or something like that.

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember we had an entire fleet of ships all constructed from cardboard and styrofoam. I think I might still have slide photos of all that stuff somewhere too. Of course, these weren't big enough to sit in, but I could imagine making ships that you could sit in if you wanted to.

The Moody Minstrel said...

I remember that, too, Pa've. That was when we were in junior high school.

It's also no doubt part of the reason why George accused the Impasse Tech Manual of being filled with "ships [that] look like toilet paper rolls and Dixie cups..." (Actually, less than 5% of the designs fit that description, but yeah there are some.)

DewKid said...

... and the Lybolt's mothership looks remarkably like a Neosynephrine bottle...

Don Snabulus said...

Our current fleet of aircraft look like bananas, phalluses , and black paper cutouts of bats. Who is to say that space navigation ships won't look like toilet paper rolls or nasal spray bottles?