If I Was A Duck
If water was Mountain Dew and I was a duck
I'd swim to the bottom and drink my way up
but water ain't Dew and I ain't no duck
I just gotta float
Now Don't that Suck?
I dunno - maybe she wrote it! I'll have to ask her.
If I Was A Duck
If water was Mountain Dew and I was a duck
I'd swim to the bottom and drink my way up
but water ain't Dew and I ain't no duck
I just gotta float
Now Don't that Suck?
It just occurred to me, that the original poem probably used the word "Beer" instead of "Dew". Yeah, that makes more sense. Still, I like the Dew version! :-)
How could she Dew that?
Okay, it looks like the missing word here is Vodka. Here's another version:
Like anyone really cares. Why am I even adding this information? I'm the only one that reads my blog anyway.
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